
Kochel Guitars are handmade in Montana By Sean Kochel. Using reclaimed wood for the necks and bodies, and a lot of the parts are fabricated from reclaimed materials, these have a really cool rustic look and feel. They sound great acoustically and plugged in!!! With a really great sounding Rio Grande mini humbucker in the neck position and a piezo under the bridge, there are tons of really cool sounds to be found in this instrument!!!
This guitar is made with the same styling and quality of all Kochel Guitars. This maple necked electric resonator guitar comes equipped with a three way switch. Switch between the neck pickup or the Piezo cone pickup or both together. It also comes equipped with tone and volume nobs.
Under the guitars vintage resonator cover you will find a single cone with a biscuit bridge made from walnut and maple.
This guitar is veneered with antique rustic wood for a vintage feel. The nut of the guitar comes from the bone of a Rocky Mountain elk. This guitar is also adorned with metal from old farmstead findings.
This guitar is based off an old O size guitar with a 24.5 scale.

Mountain Cat Guitars

Mountain Cat Guitars

Kochel Guitars
Brand New
15 Years
Mountain Cat Guitars
Douglas Myer
845 918-1607
Suffern, NY
9:58 PM
By Appointment