1936 National Duolian Square Neck Resonator Dobro
Mahar's Vintage Guitars
No sales tax for customers outside California.
Its always nice to get a resonator that isn't all buzzy and rattle-y. This one sounds perfect!
I also prefer the solid peghead models - they're much easier to restring.
It appears that the nut was replaced at some point, and one fretboard...
1929 National Style-1 #0844 Parloid Headplate
~1938 Dobro Model 27
Vintage Blues Guitars
Dobro Model 27 c 1938 | $1250 | (v2335) In 1928 John and Rudy Dopyera left their brothers and the National Company in California to form the Dobro Corporation. These two patented and marketed a 'spider' type resonator setup, different from that of a National. By 1932 Dobro sales were...
~1998 American Guitar Company Kona (Weissenborn Style)
Guitar Showcase
Year is a guess. This rare beauty has a couple of little dings and scratches, but nothing much at all! The thing that I noticed was the SOUND!!!!!! Man this thing sounds good and LOUD even with old strings!!!! 24 7/8" scale, comes in a Dobro Hard case (different than the one pics were taken...
~1950 Del Vecchio Diana Electric Resonator Mandolin
Matt Umanov Guitars
Wild and crazy Brazilian concoction with aluminum resonator cone a-la Dobros and Nationals, combined with hot hot single-coil pickup. Hoo-hah! Extra-deep Brazilian (of course) solid(?) rosewood body; mahogany neck; sure looks to me like an ebony fingerboard, has slightly curved fingerboard surface...
Fishman Fishman Jerry Douglas Signature Series Aura Imaging Pedal
The Guitar Sanctuary
Presenting the Fishman Jerry Douglas Signature Series Aura® Imaging Pedal designed for Resonator guitars. The Jerry Douglas Aura is The Dobro Master’s “Secret Weapon” on your Pedalboard Called “Dobro’s matchless contemporary master,” by The New York Times and lauded as “my favorite musician” by...