A phaser even for people who don't normally like phasers, Arigato™ delivers incredible modulation, range, and warmth.

ARIGATO neither seeks to recapture the sounds of the past, nor to be state of the art. It is a snapshot of a future we were promised as children. It is our way of saying thank you to customers who for years asked us for a phaser. (Really? A phaser???)

While capable of the airy psychedelia of classic units, this one is meant to rumble, wobble, shake, rattle, and roar. It is also capable of going fully wet for interesting vibrato sounds, max feedback for auto-wah sweeps, and a wide range of responsive shades throughout each control as they interact with the others.

We’re pretty excited about this release; the first pedal Philippe ever owned was a phaser, our team is a bunch of phase shifting nuts, and releasing this feels like coming home.

For those of you who didn't think you'd like a chorus, but fell in love with our Somersault™ pedal - we think you're going to really love this thing too. While we love classic one-knob units and their ALL CAPS WHOOSH approach to phasing, there's a world of subtle shading and different movement to be explored, and Arigato is here for it.
Rock n Roll Vintage Guitars

Rock n Roll Vintage Guitars

Caroline Guitar Company
Brand New
21 Years
Rock n Roll Vintage Guitars
For Sales Heith or Andrew
Chicago, IL
3:02 PM
Weekdays 11am to 7pm CST Weekends Noon to 5PM CST Closed Christmas day, New Years day and a few more holidays

Major Credit Cards, Wire Transfer, Paypal or Bank Certified Check (all checks will be verified). Illinois residents will be charged Illinois sales tax.

We ship to both domestic and international customers. We reserve the right to cancel and refund international orders that might be impacted by CITES export regulations. Please see our website for all current terms and conditiins.

All Guitars have a 48 hour authentication period. Buyer is responsible for shipping back returned items with no exceptions. All returned items must arrive in the same condition they were sent. Buyer must contact us within 24 hours of receiving a damaged item. Please see our website for current return policy details.