
This was a labor of love. The guitar was almost a husk- originally had been white. It had been refretted, and the rosewood fingerboard is sanded pretty thin. We torqued the truss rod as tight as we could, and it works, and the fingerboard was fine and everything set up well, but the fingerboard was sanded. Our buddy up in Ohio did a great refin, including the headstock in shell pink, light checking and such. The pickups are Mojotone's- I use them live and they are my favorite pickups. I had my buddies there make me a custom set of flat pole piece pickups for this guitar and the sound wonderful. The guard was custom cut by Pickguardian. The control plate is stock with the original 1965 pots, Original L7XXX neck plate, tremolo/bridge (arm isn't original), and machine heads. Great looking and playing guitar, unique and ready to boogie. Generic form fit hard case is included, and older used one, but solid. Year long project, turned out great, and other one lives. Thanks for looking!

Coleman Music

Coleman Music

Shell Pink
16 Years
Coleman Music
Chip Coleman
China Grove, NC
5:34 AM
Tuesday-Friday 11-7 Saturday 10-2 Closed Sunday and Monday

Most major credit cards, paypal, or wire transfer

We generally ship UPS insured, but will use whatever carrier you prefer. We close Mondays, so orders placed Friday may not go out til Tuesday, though we are usually at the shop Monday making it happen. All orders are fully insured