$2,000 off

Player grade 59's don't show up for sale that often and this one is really a little beyond "just a player". First, it's a 59 with a 58 FON meaning it has the thin top that is so desirable. It is worn and checked but completely intact-no breaks, no major damage just some small changes. The finish has been removed from the back of the neck-Fender guys do this all the time. Personally, I don't get it. There is some minor moisture damage on the rim and buckle rash on the back. Tuners are patent pending Grovers. I could swap in a correct set of Klusons but Grovers are better tuners and as long as the "owl eyes" are already there, you might as well leave the tuners. The capacitors have been changed-correct value orange drops rather than the original bumblebees. The pots and three way are original and date to the 44th week of 1958. The bridge PAF is missing its sticker and the cover has been off. I checked it-it is a long magnet so it's not a patent number. It doesn't appear to have been rewound. The neck PAF pickup is sealed with a full sticker. The neck profile is chunky-it's an early 59 so you get .89" at the first and .99" at the 12th. This guitar proves that DCR doesn't equal output. The pickups are a relatively low wind 7.5K and 7.7K but this guitar is LOUD and drives the amp into overdrive ecstasy. The bridge pickup is bright and honky-this would be a great guitar for country but it manages the blues just as ably. The neck pickup is kind of like an old DiMarzio-loud and aggressive (where do you think DiMarzio got their ideas from). The original case is trashed. It's totally fallen apart so I've put the guitar in an appropriately beat up brown but totally intact Stone from a 59 I parted out years ago. Where else are you going to find a great playing PAF equipped thin top 59 335 for $62K? You aren't. If you do, I'll buy it.

OK Guitars

OK Guitars

15 Years
$60,000 down from $62,000
OK Guitars
Charles Gelber
203 858 0098
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