
What's the rarest production (not special order) 335? A red 60. Rarer than any of the blondes, there are only 21 of them. How many are stop tails? Maybe a dozen or 15. How many are unmolested out of that dozen? Ten? Nine? Yes, there are a few (maybe 6) red 59's but red wasn't offered as a standard color on 335's until 60. This 60 ES-335 checks all the boxes. All 59 features (bumblebee caps, bonnet knobs and single ring tuners). Monster's 8K in the neck and 9K (double white) in the bridge sound to you? The neck is the slim 60, otherwise I would keep it for myself. Condition is 9+ approaching near mint with original frets. The red has that wonderful watermelon fade that only the early ones have. Everything is original including (surprisingly) the tuner tips. The double white bridge pickup has been opened and re-sealed. It has not been rewound. This is a collector grade guitar. Original Gibson badged brown case in excellent condition. Most of the photos are taken in natural light so you can see the extraordinary color.

OK Guitars

OK Guitars

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OK Guitars
Charles Gelber
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