
In the world of rock n' roll guitar, there are few names as iconic as David Gilmour. His unmistakable playing and tone, as well as his voice and songwriting, are an integral part of Pink Floyd, and he continues to pack the world's biggest venues as a solo artist. In 2019, Christie's partnered with Gilmour in an auction of his extensive instrument collection, smashing all previous records for guitar prices and raising $21 million dollars to help fight climate change. This phenomenal guitar was part of the Gilmour Collection sold in 2019. It had been in Gilmour's possession since 1994, when he purchased it from John Illsley of Dire Straits to use on Pink Floyd's Division Bell tour. This guitar is number 42 of 90 Gibson J-200 Celebrity models. Gilmour clearly liked this rare model as his collection included two. They were used in the studio and on stage, including the famous Live 8 concert that reunited Pink Floyd in 2005. It features the same dimensions as a standard J-200 model, with beautiful rosewood back and sides for a huge and unique tone with beautiful projection. Other appointments include a “The Gibson” inlay on the headstock, ebony fingerboard, mahogany neck, mustache bridge with vintage inlays, and vintage deluxe Allison tuners. The guitar includes all of the original Christie's paperwork and provenance, a copy of the official auction catalog, and the sales receipt to John Illsley. Owning an instrument from one of the most iconic rock guitar players is indeed a rare opportunity. This would be a show stopper in any collection! EXC w/OHSC

Rumble Seat Music

Rumble Seat Music

Original Hard
14 Years
Rumble Seat Music
Eliot Michael
Nashville, TN
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