
1116F red handwritten #59 inside soundhole. All original Ladder-braced L-00 like Kalamazoo. Probably late 1938-40 period because of nice round modern neck. Natural spruce top,very nice figured maple back/sides Plays well, low action, typical dings and finish crackles for its age. One filled hole from previous volume knob on lower bout and 4 small 1/16" filled holes around the soundhole.

Atomic Guitars

Atomic Guitars

Very Good
17 Years
Atomic Guitars
Charles Damga
Cell:917 975 9292
Southampton, NY
8:38 PM
Email is best. Call me Eastern time 9-8 cellphone- 917 975 9292,

Bank transfers from Europe, U.S. A. personal check (cashiers checks are no longer necessary since they take almost as long as regular checks to clear), US MONEY ORDERS, no paypal or credit cards

Your cost, US POST to Europe or GXG. in the USA UPS Ground is cheapest I charge $35 to pack an instrument- $15 of that cost is the box.

48 hours on receipt, flexible. Only one return in 15 years