
Just when you thought it was safe; who thinks this stuff up? Apparently, someone who knows how to make great banjos because this one is beautifully made, and plays perfectly, for those of you brave enough to play it. What it is, is, a large (14” dia!) rim, with internal tone ring and original Mastertone-type coordinator rods, and a six-string neck (but it really looks like a five-string neck), tuned the regular five-string way but with an extra low one, tuned, if I’m interpreting this correctly, to a low-low G, so that you can be more bottom-banjo than anyone else you know. Put another way, three Gs, no waiting. There is apparently precedent for this, in England, or, well, somewhere. Now I’m told that the GoldTone Company, who made it and who also makes some of the finest banjos anywhere, no longer makes this model and that they’ve had many requests for them recently which requests they cannot fill, much to the sorrow and chagrin of those who are desperate to have one. So here’s your big chance, and I can tell you from personal experience as a a banjo maker in my youth (true) that it is in immaculate physical condition, barely ever touched, perfectly set up, and ready to go. And it’s a fabulous bargain, having sold as new for about $1300. Be the first on your block (and possibly the last) to own one of these extremely cool GoldTone LoJo banjos; you’re not likely to ever have another shot at one of these. A ridiculous bargain at only $699 w/ohsc

Matt Umanov Guitars

Matt Umanov Guitars

Gold Tone
Original Hard
26 Years
Matt Umanov Guitars
Matt Umanov
(212) 675-2157
New York, NY
11:06 AM
By appointment.

All major credit cards, checks, wire transfers.

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