A semi-modular analog synthesizer that makes modularsynthesis more accessible and understandable than ever before.
Creating new soundsthat don’t exist in the outside world is an unending dream which has continuedsince the birth of electronic musical instruments. This dream has evolved andexpanded throughout the development of new and unique music production devices.
The popularity ofmodular synthesizers around the world has generated new excitement and interestin the so-called "West Coast style" of synthesis that deviates fromtraditional synthesis norms.
The compact body ofthis volca synth features eight modules and 50 patch points. While learning thebasics of a modular synth, you can use popular features of the volcasynthesizer line to control a unique and different flavor of analog sounds.
An analog synth composed of modules
Eight modules
The volca modular isa semi-modular synthesizer consisting of independent analog synth modules,digital effects, and a sequencer. Each of the modules has been carefullyselected for its stand-alone completeness. The modules are internally connectedso that sound can be produced even before connecting the included pin cables, andthe routing is shown by white lines on the panel. Module connections via a pincable take priority over the internal connections, bypassing them.
SOURCE: This consists of atriangle VCO carrier and a modulator. The complex overtones generated by FMmodulation are sent through a wave folder circuit to add additional overtones,producing a distinctive sound. This module is important in determining thebasic character of the sound of volca modular.
FUNCTIONS: This section consistsof two function (envelope) generators. In addition to an ADH generator withattack, hold, and release, there's a Rise-Fall generator, also known as a slopegenerator, which not only applies time-varying change to the sound but alsolets you patch the end trigger out back into the trigger in as a loop, makingit usable as a VCO or LFO.
WOGGLE: This is a random signal generatorcontaining a sample & hold circuit that uses pink noise as its source. Twooutputs are provided, allowing it to output either stepped or smooth randomnoise.
SPLIT: This moduledistributes one input to two outputs. It can also be used in the reversedirection, combining two control or audio signals into one.
DUAL LPG: This consists of twolow-pass gate circuits. Typical of the West Coast style of synthesis, themodule packages a filter with an amp, allowing the brightness and volume of thesound to vary together.
UTILITY: This is a mixingscaling module that combines two signals in various ways. It can mix not onlyaudio signals but also control signals, as well as inverting or attenuatingthose signals.
SPACE OUT: This is a stereomodule that applies a reverb-like effect to the audio signal.
SEQUENCE: This module is forconnecting to the internal sequencer. You can set the tempo, and select differentrhythm divisions to output via the gate counter.
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