
We're selling a full stack at a combination price,

but here's the top cab.

1960A cab from 1979 with Marshall labeled Celestions.

Cab tolex and grill in great condition.

Reportedly this cab came from Andy's Music who bought all of the cabs and resold after the Highway to Hell AC/DC tour. We can't substantiate this other than Andy's Music is etched into the back nameplate.


Killer Vintage

Killer Vintage

Very Good
21 Years
Killer Vintage
Dave Hinson
(314) 647-7795
St. Louis, MO
9:38 PM
12 til 5 pm (CST) M-Sat But Never on Sunday!

Cash /Checks / Bank Wire /Mastercard / Visa / American Express / Discover NO PAYPAL!

Shipping will be prompt and at the buyers choice of carriers. FedEx Ground is our default method. Shipping is always at the buyers expense unless other terms are met prior to sale.

48 hour approval with shipping at the buyers expense on Vintage gear. Buyer is also responsible for payment fees incurred No return on New Items unless defective.