
Offered for sale:

Rare and exotic, luthier Scot Tremblay rendition of a 19th century Viennese guitar maker, named Nikolaus Georg Ries hourglass shaped guitar serial number 22278.

There is not much information about Ries life, but it is thought he started around 1820 and left the guitar making stage in 1843.

This guitar is in mint condition, showing beautifully.

This instrument features a flame maple back, sides and neck, with a highest-grade spruce soundboard, ebony fingerboard, friction tuners and an unusual adjustable neck joint. The neck hinges on a brass plate in the upper block. A square clock-screw goes through the heel into a brass nut in the upper block of the body. This can be used to adjust the playing action of the guitar.

We believe this instrument was commissioned in 2020 or 2021 and completed in 2022. By the time it arrived the owner's playing needs had changed.

The neck adjustment key is included.

The scale is 24.5" and the nut width is 1 7/8", the string spacing at the saddle is 2 11.5/32" (1/64" less than 2 3/8").

At the moment, at the 12th fret, the action is 12/32" on both treble and bass side. Of course, that's adjustable. The tuners are friction. We were surprised at how "friendly" they are.

Building philosophy of luthier Scot Tremblay.

I select extant instruments that I feel best represent the style of craftsmanship and tone of the Early Romantic musical era. Each period of musical history has its own aesthetic that manifests in, among other things, the instruments that were made and played in that period. I feel that the best way to recreate the musicality of an era is to try to capture the spirit as well as the appearance of the instruments used.

Unless specifically requested, I do not make slavish copies of instruments. I do, however, make instruments that try to capture the inspiration of the original instrument. By a careful study of the information available, an analysis of the music and detailed examination of extant instruments I feel that we can get close to the original concept 19th century luthiers intended.

About Scot

Having played and studied Classical Guitar from an early age the instrument has always been a part of my life. After attending the University of Calgary Music Department in Calgary, Alberta, Canada I turned my attention to concertizing, teaching and other guitar related pursuits.

My interest in lutherie began in the 1980’s with a chance meeting which developed into a lasting friendship with a local steel string guitar maker. After serving a short apprenticeship with him I set off to follow my own path in the Classical guitar world including the study of romantic period guitars, their construction and the music composed for them.

Since 1985 I have been building continuously and marketing my instruments through word of mouth and my company Roseberry Guitars.

Although largely self-taught, in the mid 1980’s I attended building classes with Jose Romanillos in Cordoba, Spain and worked with noted American luthier Richard Schneider until his untimely death in 1997. He being a fervent proponent of the ultramodern concert guitar never fully understood my fascination with those “Ancient relics” but never-the-less was a dear friend and mentor.

Over the years I have visited many European Instrument collections in Spain, Germany, England, Italy and Scotland researching and documenting interesting instruments. Most recently (May 2007), I spent time in the Edinburgh University Collection researching a number of period instruments, most notably a six-string ca. 1825 and Decacorde ca. 1827 both by Rene Lacote.

My instruments have been played in concert and recording by Alexander Dunn, Douglas Hensley, Luis Diaz Santana, Joseph Mayes, Rob MacKillop and many others. My guitars have been featured in a number of articles and magazines including American Lutherie.

Restoration of period instruments has been an interest of mine as well. A significant number of original Panormos, Lacotes and other 19th century instruments have made the journey to my shop, been restored and returned in top playing condition to their happy owners.

Having recently completed construction of a new large workshop, I am turning my attention to building Early Romantic guitars exclusively. I am always happy to discuss guitars and to take on interesting projects. All are welcome to visit my shop and there is always an extra chair in which to sit, relax and breathe in the sweet comforting scents of guitars being built.

Imperial Guitar says: Wow, wow, what a beautiful rendition of a historic era in lutherie, not only visually gorgeous but tonally amazing.

Original hard-shell case included.

“We carefully inspect every instrument when we buy it and bring it up to our standards before we offer it for sale. We also do a full set up before we ship. If you decide to purchase this guitar, please let us know what gauge strings you prefer.”

*Please note: we do our best giving descriptions of used pieces. We have found it impossible to describe every mark on an instrument or amp that is not in the "mint" category. Also, what's important to you may not be important to someone else. For example, you may say, "I don't care what it looks like as long as it plays or sounds well." Another person may say, "Body cosmetics are very important to me so tell me about every scratch, nick and blemish." So, please ask the questions that are most important to you. If you ask they will be answered. They are free and there's no limit. Additional photos can also be made available.

This is a specific item that is also being offered for sale in our brick & mortar location. It is possible that it has just been sold. Please ask if it is still available before purchasing.

*It is our policy to require a signature on delivery of all musical instruments. Please let us know if you prefer no signature required when ordering or we will automatically require a signature.

If you prefer your item to be sent without a required signature Imperial Guitar and the selected carrier can no longer be responsible for the security of the package once it has been delivered.

Imperial Guitar & Soundworks

Imperial Guitar & Soundworks

Scot Tremblay
Original Hard
28 Years
Imperial Guitar & Soundworks
New Paltz, NY
10:15 PM
10:00 am - 6:00 pm Tues. - Fri. 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat. Mondays by appointment only

We accept VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express, as well as certified checks and bank-to-bank wire transfers. Trades and consignments also welcome. Bank to bank wire transfers seem to work best on foreign orders.

All shipments made by us are fully insured. Also, all new products are fully covered by the manufacturer's warranty and used gear usually carries our 30 day mail order warranty. Most stringed instruments sold by IGS are shipped UPS Ground service for $50.00 to $100.00 for the 48 Contiguous states. (Overnight Red Label is also available). Please call on each item. GUITAR FREIGHT (Foreign) We ship instruments world wide. Our shipping department prides itself in its ability to safely deliver guitars anywhere in the world. We use Fex Ex Great Rates service, wherever possible. You are responsible for any import duties, V.A.T., etc. on delivery. It is advisable to consult with your local customs office.

48-hour approval on most items