
Each of the original American Colonies had Liberty Trees, under which Colonists gathered to seek solidarity in their quest for independence from Great Britain. Taylor's Liberty Tree Guitars were made from the wood of the last surviving Liberty Tree, which stood on the grounds of St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland until 1999 when it sustained fatal injuries from Hurricane Floyd. “Now that the tree is gone”, Bob Taylor said, “this wood needs to become something that will live forever”, and so he bought the tree in 2000 with the idea of making some very special guitars from it, and made 400 of the full-size acoustics over the next two years. With its stunning full-colored wood inlays of American Flags, a thirteen-star soundhole rosette, and a copy of our Declaration of Independence right on it, this is a unique opportunity to own a very special Grand Concert Size Taylor made from tulip poplar wood that is not only more than two hundred years old, but played a significant role in the birth of our country. This guitar came to me from its original owner who got it directly from Taylor in 2002 and put it away, unplayed, to preserve it. It comes with its original Taylor-made hard shell case and a copy of Taylor's “Wood and Steel” magazine of the day, with a very complete writeup in it of the origins of the Liberty Trees’ history and the life of the particular Liberty Tree from whose wood this guitar was made. PS….It sounds and plays like a million bucks. $5995 w/ohsc

Matt Umanov Guitars

Matt Umanov Guitars

Original Hard
26 Years
Matt Umanov Guitars
Matt Umanov
(212) 675-2157
New York, NY
9:01 PM
By appointment.

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