Guitars n Jazz

Guitars n Jazz


  • Appraisal
  • Consignment
  • Rentals
  • Repair
What's New

BAND INSTRUMENT RENTALS NOW AVAILABLE - VIOLINS, FLUTES, TRUMPETS, TROMBONES, AND STUDENT GUITARS. Guitars 'n Jazz Services and repairs all the instruments that we sell and rent in our own workshop with skilled technicians at very reasonable rates. All repairs, setups, re-frets, stringing full guaranteed!!! Technicians are available 3 days each week, so much of the work can be done in less than a week, and in some cases even the same day.

Guitars 'n Jazz BUYS & SELLS quality Archtop jazz guitars. Always over 500 carved jazz archtop guitars in stock at all times to allow you to find the best possible choice of the best archtop jazz guitar for you. We offer the largest in stock selection of Eastman carved archtops anywhere-all the models Thnlines, Jazz Elite ,Anniversary, John Pisano, Jim Frish, ElRey 4, and the 904, 905 and 910 models. At Gnj you can find the perfect archtop, set up perfectly and including a full 3 day approval period, and a G'nJ warranty in addition to your Eastman warranty! Our goal is to provide you with a wonderful archtop jazz guitar that you will always enjoy playing and provides inspiration to improve. They must first of all be excellent players. Most of our archtop jazz guitars are also wonderful to look at. Musicians and teachers have described some of our guitars as” I forgot how good this guitar was" Our local teachers, players, and repairmen constantly praise the Palen archtop saying that it can stand up to even the most expensive archtops at any price. At GnJ you have the chance to compare all the major brands in a private quiet setting without interuption or other noise. Feel can be remembered and compared, but "Tone" is very difficult to remember when trying to compare archtops at different stores. At GnJ you can compare all the major luthier archtops at one place. We also carry the finest archtop amplifiers available including AER compact 60, Aer Domino, and AER Acousticube, and the specially designed Rivera Jazz Suprema archtop amplifier. Many of our archtops sell before we have the chance to list them on our website. Check out some of our guitars in action on our youtube channel- HOURS by Appointment Only!

Guitars n Jazz
Lou Delrosso
Summit, NJ
3:42 AM
Showroom hours always available by Appointment. Phone hours 830am to 8pm Monday - Saturday- Please call 908-403-3426 to reserve an individual appointment which enables you to compare all the major brand archtops in a quiet setting. We are very flexible and generally able to accomodate most requests. Always 500 carved jazz archtops on display for your private inspection! We are located in downtown Summit,NJ. Only 1 block from the Summit NJ transit train station, and only 35 minutes from Manhattan via NJ Transit Midtown Direct.

To order an instrument, first CALL or FAX to confirm that the instrument is still available. Within the US we accept money orders, cashier's checks, certified checks, Mastercard, or Visa Amex, and Discover. Outside the US, please send US dollars on a US bank or bank transfer. Payment must include the purchase price plus shipping and insurance charges. Layaway plan voids approval period. A 25% non-refundable deposit will hold any instrument for 30 days. No COD's are accepted.

The customer pays all shipping, insurance, and bank charges including all charges for returned merchandise. All insurance claims are the responsibility of the customer. The original packaging and box must be saved. Shipping will be via UPS or Federal Express unless other arrangements are made.

If you are not satisfied, for any reason, you will be issued a full refund less actual shipping and insurance charges and a $75 restocking fee- provided that we are notified within 72 hours of delivery and the guitar is in the EXACT same condition as you received it. It must be packed carefully in the original box in the same way it was packed when we shipped it to you. NO full or partial refunds will be given any items damaged, marked, or modified. The Customer will be responsible for all shipping, insurance, and handling charges. If there is damage when I ship the instrument to you please call me immediately. The original box and all the packaging must be saved! I will deal with my insurance company. If the instrument is damaged in transit from you to me, you are responsible for dealing with the damage and insurance claim.