~1969 Harmony H168
Vintage Blues Guitars
Harmony H168 c 1969 | $750 | (v2432) The Harmony H168 acoustic guitar is a triple-0 size flat top that was produced at the tail end of the 1960s. This example is likely from the latter part of its production since earlier iterations had slightly different adornment. Even this late in the...
1960 DeArmond R15-T
Well Strung Guitars
Check out this clean 1960 DeArmond R-15T! The R-15T is the DeArmond equivalent to the Fender Deluxe, with an onboard Tremolo control that works beautifully on this piece! The tone this amp can provide is stunning, and with the tone turned up, the amp starts to break up easily and naturally. Not...
1983 Martin D-28 Vintage Series Brazilian CEO signed HD-28
Mahar's Vintage Guitars
No sales tax for customers outside California.
This special Martin just arrived, purchased from the family of the original owner.
It seems that the early 80s was a time of reflection for the big guitar makers. The late 60s and 1970s saw corporate ownership degradation of Fender and Gibson...