1975 Gibson MK-53 MK-53
According to The Blue Book of Acoustic Guitars, the Gibson MK-53 was made in very limited quantities: “Approx. 1,425 mfg. 1975-78” (p. 254. Gruhn’s Guide and Vintage Guitar Price Guide basically agree). George Gruhn adds that the MK models were custom designed by Michael Kasha and Richard Schneider...
1990 Gibson Super Citation
Best Guitars
This is a "ONE-OF-A-KIND" Gibson "Super" Citation! For the serious collector of archtop guitars! The guitar is marked on the label "EXP-001", meaning "Experimental" and most likely the only one ever produced 001. Its marked as a Super Citation on the label and gold plate on the back of the...
~1937 Oscar Schmidt Decalcomania
Vintage Blues Guitars
Oscar Schmidt 'Decalcomania' c 1937 | $750 | (v2235) The decade following the productive 1920s was tough for the Oscar Schmidt company. Oscar himself had died in '29, and then the depression came along. By the mid-thirties the company had sold off most of its factories but for the Ferry St....
1959 Gibson ES-335
OK Guitars
Before I get into the nuts and bolts of this 59 ES-335, I should point something out that's important. I've owned close to 600 ES guitars built between 1958 and 1965. I keep track (as best I can from memory) of the top twenty from a players point of view. That means tone and playability. This is a...
2023 Gibson Elvis Dove
Thunder Road Guitars PDX
Freshly set up in-house by our esteemed Guitar Tech, this super cool Elvis Dove is dialed in and ready to shake up the world. This all-black Dove with Gold hardware, Mother of Pearl parallelograms and Dove inlays, and a Western-style pickguard is a true stunner. On-board electronics make this...
1960 Martin D-18
2021 Kevin Kopp K-185
Thunder Road Guitars PDX
Freshly set up in-house by our esteemed Guitar Tech, this Kevin Kopp K-185 is dialed in and playing and sounding sweet as honey. Kevin is a well known premier luthier but we've included some biographical details below for those who may not be familiar with his work. This K-185 is Kevin's take on...