2:36 AM
We take pride in our craftsmanship, but if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason within the first 30 days of your delivery date, we will take back the product and issue a full refund of your purchase price, minus the return shipping cost. Or, we’d be happy to arrange for an exchange for another product. If a product arrives damaged, please email us photos (required) of the damaged component and the box in which it was shipped and notify us immediately (i.e., within the first 15 days of your delivery date) and we will ship you replacements for the damaged parts and issue return shipping for the damaged parts (if we require the damaged parts to be returned). For non-damaged returns, the returns must arrive at our receiving location in perfect, unused, and resalable condition. Please notify us via e-mail as to the reason for the return as well as your name, address, order number and name of product purchased. We will then contact you with a Return Authorization # and instructions on where and how to make the return. Please keep all original packaging to make the return. NOTE: Please allow 15 business days from the time the item is returned to process a refund. Please note that credit card refunds may not appear until the following billing cycle.