Schoenberg Guitars

Schoenberg Guitars

We try to carry the best in all price levels: new, used, vintage,student, and more.

  • Appraisal
  • Consignment
  • Lessons
  • Repair
What's New

Our web site is non-functional, with a new one in the works. In the meantime, we're here on gbase, adding new instruments regularly.

We are two different enterprises run out of 106 Main Street in Tiburon, California: our own line of top quality, tradition-based Schoenberg guitars, and the store in which they, along with examples of other top builders of today and yesterday are sold and repaired. Joe Miller teaches private lessons and classes, and concerts and workshops are held. You will find details of all this in the related pages on our site.

The Store: Our focus is patient, detailed expertise in selling, repairing, and teaching guitars and other acoustic instruments. We are dealers for Martin, Eastman, Recording King, Loar, National, Schoenberg, Santa Cruz, Pohaku Ukuleles, Wise Ukuleles, Kala Ukuleles, Michael Dunn, John Morton, Tippin, Asturias Ukes, and Seagull. We are brokers of many fine used and vintage instruments, such as Martin, Gibson, Epiphone, National, Dobro, Fairbanks, Vega, Washburn, Tonk Brothers, Regal, Oahu, Bronson, Larson Bros., D'Angelico, Lowden, Guild, Collings, Ditson and many others. Check our Current Inventory for the most complete and up-to-date listings.

We try to carry the best in all price levels. If you’re looking for a beginner or student instrument, we will try to make sure your needs are properly met. Too often students are sold the wrong or unplayable instruments (example: selling a dreadnought or jumbo with super-high action to a 12 year old—we've seen it!). We set up every instrument that goes out the door, specifically to the needs of its new owner.

Manufacturer of high-end flat-top acoustic steel-string guitars: Schoenberg Guitars are a traditional styled modern instrument, strongly patterned after the best features culled from an intimate knowledge of the American steel-string golden age. Especially Martins post gut string, fingerstyle yet pre big flat-picked guitar, when construction was light and open and necks were wider.

Originally a joint effort between Schoenberg and C.F. Martin, today, the Schoenberg Guitars are built one at a time by the capable hands of world-class luthiers Robert Anderson, James Russell, Randall Kramer, Howard Klepper, Bruce Sexauer and John Slobod.

Schoenberg Guitars
Eric Schoenberg
Tiburon, CA
1:15 AM
Tuesday & Wednesday 11:00 - 6:00 Thursday 11:00 - 7:30 Friday & Saturday 11:00 - 5:30 Sunday 11:00 - 5:00

Our "Cash price" policy: unfortunately, the credit card companies support "swiped" charges in which the card is physically run through the card reader. Phone-in charges are charged at a much higher rate (to the seller) which can take quite a big chunk out of a high-dollar sale. Thus, for those call-in sales, let's discuss the issue at the time; hopefully, we can figure some way to deal with it.