Found 8 matches
1959 Gretsch 6120
Back when Gretsch Guitars were out of production, Duke Kramer, who had run Gretsch in their prime time was selling some of the old unused , new old stock parts to a small number of vintage guitar dealers, including some who would shortly after be the 13 guys who helped the Gretsch Company decide which models would be reissued in around 1989 to 1990. I was one of them, & I had bought quite a few...
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1963 Gibson Firebird I & III, & SG Jr. & SG Special
For sale is my last fully usable "lightning bolt" nickel Gibson tailpiece / bridge combination.
I have held on to this one since the early 1970s, from some major parts scores on Parsons Steet in Kalamazoo!
Typically, since Gibson used to use large diameter Sonomatics or Flatwounds, & they cut the grooves too deep & wide for Rock & Roll strings. i had planned on buying & keeping this nickel...
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1962 Gibson - Kluson Bass EB-3, EB-0, & EB-2
Just found the old pictures of this set that I have had stashed away for decades.
My son does not want to be in the Vintage Parts Guitar business, so I am selling off some of the cool parts that no doubt, someone needs!
This is a complete set of tuners for Gibson Basses from 1961 to mid 1965, when Gibson switched to chrome due to customer complaints about the tarnishing, according to Gibson...
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1962 Gibson ES-345TD-SV gold stop tailpiece
For sale is my BEST, & last early feather weight gold plated stop tailpiece, for an early Les Paul Custom or early 1960s ES-345TDC-SV, or ES-345TD-SV.
Macro pictures already shot, but need to be relocated in the laptop for viewing.
I have total of 6 shot from different angles.
If by any remote chance, you have an original early ES-355TDC-SV, or ES-355TDC- Mono, with factory stop tailpiece that...
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1964 Epiphone Casino
Very clean mid 1960s Epiphone Casino, Riviera, etc. E Logo.
this has been sotred for almost 50 years.
Apparently, did not shoot the backs, but this is an older one. Might be others too!
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1957 Fender Stratocaster
Selling my old Pre-CBS Fender Strat parts!
Do to glitches, the price of $95.00 EACH will not show up in price!
Nicely REAL aged knobs, trem tip, & 3 real old Fender neck/ body spacers.
3 Volume $95. each.- SOLD
4 Tone - $95. each- SOLD
Trem tip - $95.
Spacers - $35.00 each
Your choice.
Package deal for ALL is feasible!
More pictures availble on request!
HUNDREDS of old, including NOS...
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~1956 Gibson Les Paul Standard
A matched pair of mid 1950s Gibson Les Paul Standard backplates. One for the pots & caps, & the matching toggle plate. These are from a '56 to '59 conversion guitar decades ago. Based on the guys who purchased "conversions" from me back in the 1970s, these would be from the one owned by Kevin Cronin of REO, maybe Joey Molland from Badfinger, or least likely, Gary Duncan of the old Quicksilver...
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~1956 Gibson Les Paul Standard
A matched pair of mid 1950s Gibson Les Paul Standard backplates. One for the pots & caps, & the matching toggle plate. These are from a '56 to '59 conversion guitar decades ago. Based on the guys who purchased "conversions" from me back in the 1970s, these would be from the one owned by Kevin Cronin of REO, maybe Joey Molland from Badfinger, or least likely, Gary Duncan of the old Quicksilver...
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